What's In My Mail? (February)

by - 3/06/2013 10:59:00 PM

Here are some of the prizes/winnings that I received last February:

Coloud Knock headphones from Techpinas.com
(January winning)

The Pickiest Eater in the World shirt
(visit his awesomest site: http://www.thepickiesteater.net)
(December winning)

Enjoy Philippines and Anagon's blog giveaway

(January winning)

I am still waiting for some of my prizes to arrive. I hope it will be sent to me by this March.
Thank God for this blessings and for the generous bloggers & sponsors.
More winnings and prizes please for March and the rest of 2013! :)
Please do check out the blogs and sponsors above.
Have a wonderful day to all!

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