If you’ve had a company website for a few years, you may be wondering if it’s now time for an upgrade. Here are just a handful of reasons as to why it may be time to update your company site.
Your site is slow
Websites can start acting slow for a variety of reasons. If it’s a Wordpress-based site, you may be using too many plug-ins which are making the site code-heavy and slow to load. Alternatively, it could be the website host that you’re using. In many cases, revamping your website could help – you may want to move to a new web host and possibly look into coding something from scratch that’s a little simpler and hence faster to load.
Your site isn’t mobile friendly
Many people are now searching the web on their mobiles. If your website isn’t compatible on mobile devices or simply doesn’t translate well on to a mobile screen, it could be time to design a new mobile-friendly version. There are sites such as Mobilify It that can help you to create a mobile-friendly version of your site.
Your site isn’t secure
If you don’t think your website is secure, this could be a definite reason to update it. This could be particularly important if you have customer information stored on your website – you may want to take steps to make your site comply with GDPR regulations using Jumio, otherwise, you could find yourself in legal trouble if customer data is breached. You should also ensure that you’re using a secure payment process such as using PayPal.
Your site ranks poorly on search engines
If your site doesn’t appear high on search engine listings, you may also want to consider some improvements to make it more search friendly. Various changes such as adding more keywords to text or adding more content can help to boost your search rankings. Alternatively, you could try hiring an SEO company to make improvements to your site and boost your online searchability.
Your site has a high bounce rate
A high bounce rate means that visitors are only exploring one page of your website before swiftly leaving (something you may be able to look up in your site’s analytics). This usually means that visitors are being put off the moment they land on your website, in which case you may want to look into ways of hooking people in. It could be a case of redesigning your entire website so that it looks neater and more modern. Alternatively, you could try advertising more promotions on your website or displaying information that immediately impressed people (success stats and phrases such as ‘award-winning’ can immediately build your credibility and get visitors interested in your site). So many factors could be causing a high bounce rate – it could be worth hiring a website reviewer to take a look at your site and recommend changes based on their first impression.