We can’t always have things our own way. If we want to do something grand or life-changing, then we’ll need to go through a little hardship. However, we can all agree that there’s a difference between some difficulties and problematic stress levels. Let’s think, for instance, about the stress involved in buying a property. You think it’s going to be an exciting adventure...until you’re in the middle of it, and you realize that you’ve made something of a mistake. It is not a joyous journey. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be this way. While it might not be a bouncy castle of fun, neither does it need to be a cripplingly stressful period of your life. Below, we take a look at a few tried and tested ways you can reduce the property-buying stress levels.
Source: Pexels.com
Simplify the Search
People generally get off on a stressful foot when they begin looking for properties. They dive into an ocean of a thousand properties and spend a lot of time and energy trying to find their own little island of safety. While there’s no getting around the fact that you’ll need to look at multiple properties in order to find the space that’s right for you, there are ways you can make it easier on yourself. Before you begin looking, draw up a list of your home requirements (not wants -- they’re a bonus). It’ll make deciding which homes you want to see and which you can pass by much more straightforward, and will significantly reduce the number of wasted hours you spend looking at properties that were never going to be right for you.
Plenty of Time
Tying your shoelace would be stressful if you only had half a second to do it. When it comes to buying a home, the best gift you can give yourself is that of time. If you tell yourself that you’re in no rush, then you’ll instantly make things less stressful. It’s when people put a time limit on their move that things can become problematic. Can you imagine the stress if you had vowed to move out before the end of summer? Buying your first property -- or any property, for that matter -- is huge. You don’t need to rush things through -- take your time, and wait for the right opportunity to present itself.
Account for All Factors
One issue that plagues people when they buy a house is that of “selective viewing.” They focus only on the good aspects of the home and ignore the less satisfactory aspects. If you’re going to go through the long process of buying a property, it’s important that you see things with honest, open eyes, not squinted eyes. The problems that you overlook because your interest has been piqued by one specific aspect will only come back to haunt you further on down the line. It’s like when you’re choosing a partner -- you don’t want to get too lost in the things you like and overlook the ones that should be red flags. You might be enchanted by the charm and character of an old period home, but it’s going to require much more maintenance in the long run.
Get Your Money In Order
If properties cost a month’s wages, then there would likely be no stress associated with buying a home. Indeed, the primary issue with properties is that they’re so expensive -- it’s likely the most significant investment that you’ll ever make. There’s little wonder that there is so much pressure! While you’ll never be able to do away with the money matter entirely, you can limit the severity by ensuring that you’re generally in control of it. In the early days, you’ll need to establish your budget and then make sure that you stick to it. Some people agree to spend a little more than they had anticipated in order to get “the perfect house,” but you have to keep in mind that the money aspect will follow you around for potentially decades.
Factor in Additional Costs
And it’s not just the sticker price of the house that you should think about, either. Think about all the additional costs that moving into that property will bring, too. For example, is there a lot of tax involved? Will you need to spend a lot of money on your fuel to reach your place of work? You should think about what your all-in monthly expenses will be like before agreeing to buy a property.
Work with the Experts
It’s not easy to buy and move into a property. There’s a lot of paperwork, you’ll need to transfer money, communicate with the people selling the home, and then go through the heavy-duty process of moving into the home. If you’ve never bought a home before, then this isn’t going to be so straightforward. As such, it’s recommended that you work with experts; hiring a conveyancing solicitor to handle the legal work, and professional movers to transport your goods, will make things a lot less stressful. They’ve got years of experience handling these types of matters, whereas you’ve got zero experience. It’s a no-brainer.
The Art of Communication
Not all of the stress from moving is external. A lot of is self-induced, especially when you’re buying a home as a couple. You’re not just going through a stressful experience; you’re trying to do things as a pair, which complicates a lot! As such, you’ll be well-served by figuring out the art of communication before you begin the moving process. Everything will run a lot smoother if you’re avoiding all of these niggling arguments that inevitably arise when you’re trying to do something so intense.
Handling the Stress
Finally, make sure you find ways to handle the stress. Things like meditation, exercise, and just reminding yourself that what you’re doing is fundamentally a positive thing will all help to keep those stress levels to a minimum. You only feel the stress is you allow yourself to feel it -- it doesn’t have to be that way.