Does a Non-Profit Business Need an EIN Number?
An EIN, or Employer Identification Number is similar to a Social Security Number and is issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). All businesses, including non-profits, are required to have an EIN. This unique number is used for filing tax returns, hiring employees, opening a business bank account, or applying for business licenses. Other names for the EIN include Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) and Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). Online tax id number virginia has made the process of filing for an EIN simple.
What You Should Know About Applying for an EIN
If you are head of a non-profit organization, you may be wondering how to apply for federal tax id number. The individual who is applying for the EIN is required to be an authorized officer or member of that non-profit organization. That individual will use their own Social Security Number for the EIN application. Personal Social Security Numbers are no longer needed once the EIN is established.
In addition to their personal Social Security Number, the individual applying for the non-profit EIN must have the organization’s legal name as well as the physical and mailing address of the business.
Simple, Safe, and Quick
When your non-profit business needs an EIN, they do not want to wait days or even weeks to receive it. GovDocFiling offers a fast and reliable way to apply online for an EIN. After just three effortless steps on their secure website, your number is delivered to your email address on the same day. However, if you submit the application on the weekend or evening, there may be a slight delay until the following business day to receive the number. Unlike the IRS website, GovDocFiling application center is available 24/7/365 days of the year.
For a simple to understand, secure EIN application, visit GovDocFiling where they provide knowledgeable support from experienced and friendly representatives.