Why Do I Never Get Asked for an Interview?
If you have handed out endless copies of your resume and applied for plenty of jobs online, yet you have not received a phone call asking you to attend an interview, you will rightly be wondering where you are going wrong. We explore some of the possibilities below:
Your presentation needs some work – One of the reasons why you resume could end up being cast aside is lack of presentation. Your resume and cover letter do not look like they could be framed and hung up on the wall, but they do need to be presentable, and errors must be avoided. An incorrect resume objective and a lack of a cover letter are two of the main issues in this regard.
You are applying for jobs that are not appropriate for your skill set – We may all like to go to space, but this does not mean we are going to apply for a role of astronaut next time NASA offers a position. However, there may be a position that is suitable for the skill set an experience you have. Make sure you are the right fit for the job you are applying for. Your qualities need to perfectly line up with what has been stated in the job description.
You haven’t followed the directions – In most job descriptions, you will find a list of qualities and/or skills that you must have, as well as those it would be nice of you to have. You need to respond to this directly in your resume. You need to show the company that you are exactly what they are looking for. Most businesses will receive hundreds of applications, and so they aren’t going to bother with those that do not directly respond to what was stated in the job description.
They can’t get in touch with you – Are you sure you have put down the right contact information on your resume? So many people miss out on interviews because their resume features an old phone number, which they forgot to change. Nightmare!
You have provided a generic resume and cover letter – Your resume and cover letter need to be catered to the job you are applying for. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is sending out a generic resume and cover letter to potential employers without tweaking the documents to suit the company in question. This is something that a certified professional resume writer will be able to assist you with. They will know how to make each resume unique and appeal to the recruiters in question.
Your online image is doing you no favours – Last but not least, one of the reasons you are struggling to get an interview could be because of your online presence. Most companies today will check out candidates on social media so they can get a feel for their personality. Don’t include anything on Twitter or Facebook that you would not like your potential employers to see. Time for a social media clear out!