5 Tips To Setting Up A Man Cave In Your Basement

by - 2/01/2018 11:46:00 PM


One of the highlights of having your own home is having the ability to make it what you want it to be. Your home should be a place where you can relax and feel at ease. Owning a home also gives you the ability to paint, decorate, and design your space however you want to make it truly yours. Having a finished basement is a great perk to owning a home and one that many men love to create into their man cave. This article will provide some tips to The Ultimate Man Cave Setup.

  1. Determine what you will be doing in your man cave. Do you enjoy watching television or movies? Perhaps you like to play pool or air hockey? Maybe you enjoy playing Xbox with friends? Whatever you enjoy doing should be reflected in your finished basement. Some men create a space to have a makeshift bar and invite their friends over to have drinks from time to time. Before you start building your man cave, create a plan based on your interests and hobbies. This will ensure that you don’t get bored of your space and want to redo it again.

  1. Create a budget. It is impossible to create a man cave without a proper budget. One of the things that you should do before you begin to plan your space is to create a budget. Consider the activities that you will want to do in your man cave. Will you want to paint your mancave and have it designed in a certain way? If so, make a list and research how much it will cost to complete. Write down everything that you want to spend and then determine how much money you will need to take out of savings to make it happen. Perhaps you will do the work in installments so that you can pay for it along the way without having to wait too long to get started.

  1. Provide some type of seating. Chances are that you will want to share your man cave with friends and family members. It is important to have ample seating for yourself, family members, guests, and visitors. Your man cave can easily become a place for entertaining and you will need to have proper seating available.

  1. Facilities. You may not have thought of this before but having a bathroom in the man cave is clutch. The reason for this is that you don’t have to run upstairs constantly if you have to go to the bathroom. Another facility that is nice to have is a sink with running water. Most choose to put this in the mini-kitchenette area where they store their cold beers or keg.

  1. Lighting. Make sure to have ample lighting for the types of activities you will offer in the man cave. For example, it would be a detriment to have a classy pool table only to have a small light shine on it so that you can see what you are doing. Consider purchasing a larger light that will show off the pool table and the great skill that you have in playing.

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