5 Things to Look For In a Trustworthy Review Site
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Online reviews help first-time buyers make an informed decision when hunting for products and services. They are useful as being referred by friends and relatives. The review sites allow you to compare prices and features of different products to make sure you get the best bargain that’s worth your hard-earned money. In fact, most shoppers are influenced by these reviews. However, filtering reviews can be tricky. This is because there are so many of them.
Some of them can be very misleading because the authors have not carried out intense research on the products. Such review sites tend to be biased because they just want to earn a commission when you buy based on their shopping guides. At the end of it all, the buyer feels cheated when the product fails to perform according to his expectations. Below is a checklist that should help you in identifying genuine online reviews.
1. History of Review Site
You should never believe the opinion of a site that doesn’t have a history of comparing products. You should actually narrow down to genuine sites such as Ranking Squad because they have reviewed a wide variety of products and have therefore made a name for themselves. Upcoming sites should be last on your list because the majority of their reviews are always fake. More often, it’s not easy to trace the authors of fake reviews. This is due to the fact that they use anonymous accounts that have a blank user profile. Such reviewers rate one particular product and boom! They disappear. If you are keen, you will ask yourself why they did not bother to review the products that are listed.
2. Unbiased Review
Review sites that are not legit tend to give a biased opinion on products. They like to put more emphasis on the pros of a product and fail to mention anything about the flaws. Alternatively, they focus on the cons of a product even when it’s obvious there are many benefits. Such reviewers are hardly sincere in their opinion probably because they are a competitor or they want to use the rating platform to vent. A reliable review site will maintain a balance between the pros and cons.
3. Unverified Reviewers
You should confirm that a review has been published by a real person. If a review site is genuine, they will respond to comments that are made by their followers. Fake review sites don’t respond to the remarks that are made by their target audience. Even if you try to get in touch with them, you will definitely hit a dead end.
4. 360 Degrees Analysis
Untrustworthy review sites give shallow details on products. In fact, their content is full of filler words that don’t make sense to the shoppers. They only focus on a few details probably because they know very little about the products that they are reviewing. Genuine review sites, on the other hand, provide an all-round analysis of the products because they have taken their time to try the products. Their opinion is therefore authoritative.
5. Credible Rating Methods
When a reputable review site publishes its opinion regarding products, they will disclose the criteria that they used to rank the best in their list. They will elaborate on the features that they looked for in every product. For instance, if it’s a laptop review, they will explain that they considered the hard disk capacity, processor speed, RAM capacity, accessory ports, screen resolution, and size. Fake review sites, on the other hand, lack a basis for ranking products.