Everything You Need To Know To Find A Job Working With Children

by - 7/31/2017 09:07:00 PM

A career that involves working with children is one of the most fulfilling careers that you can choose. People who work with children are in a very responsible and privileged position as they help the youngest members of society find their way in the world.
Working with children is more of a vocation than a job, in the same way as nursing. If you have a calling to work in that area it is a gift and a way in which you can make a valuable contribution to your community. Here’s everything you need to know about finding a job you’ll love in this sector.
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Preparing for your career working with children

It is important that you ensure that this is the right career choice for you to get some work experience in the sector. The simplest way to do this is to volunteer with a welfare organization or at an educational facility. You may need to have some security checks carried out before you can start. If you can get some regular volunteer experience it will impress future employers.
You need to tailor your CV towards a career working with children.  Check out resume writing tips and even get some help to write your own CV. You can learn all about how to illustrate the depth of your experience and impress prospective employers. This increases the chances of your resume actually being read and seriously considered.

Working with very young children

Teachers in kindergarten shape the youngest minds in society. It can be very challenging but it is also extremely rewarding. Your task is to teach children to get involved in what is going on in the class. If you get it right, they will develop a lifelong love of learning. At this age, you also need to guide them in learning basic skills such as going to the toilet, dressing and eating independently. They need to learn to interact appropriately with other children and adults in positions of authority. In terms of academic skills, it is all about letter recognition and very basic reading skills together with early math skills.

Working with children in elementary school

The early grades in elementary school focus on hands-on learning, play, and discussion. The core subjects of mathematics, science, and English are introduced in a fun way. It is also important to introduce art, physical education, and music. At the same time, the aim is to help the children gain confidence as active learners as you promote a positive attitude towards learning. Some developmental and behavioral problems can become more prominent at this age and you need to be able to identify them and access the appropriate help for the child.
In the higher grades, the focus shifts to more formal learning. You will be teaching more complicated mathematical concepts and tackling harder issues in literacy. Your student’s emotional well-being is still a major concern and you will be looking out for psychological issues.

The main criteria that you need to work with children are endless patience, energy, and creativity. Every child deserves to be treated as an individual. If you get it right, you will have played an essential role in preparing young people for the life ahead of them.

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