Increasing The Longevity Of Your Home With Simple Renovations

by - 7/03/2017 06:16:00 PM

If you’re tired of seeing cracks forming in the corners of rooms and nails sticking up out of the floorboards, it’s time to update and regenerate your home. It would be nice to maintain a home which fulfills your dreams and while doing so, keeps inside your budget. However, being super cheap actually adds to the problem as skimping on materials, may undo all the planning and elbow grease you put into renovating your home. With a little strategic thinking, the materials, design, cutting costs without cutting corners can result in your home’s longevity in style, and living space quality shoots back up to an acceptable standard. The truth about renovations is that every little thing helps, one thing leads to another, and just like your body, every piece of a home is connected. Save a little here and there with the power of knowledge, and you’ll start seeing real value emerge from a once, deteriorating interior.
Recognize and organize
First off, you need to make a list of all that you see about to go wrong, or in the process of going wrong. The walls may be forming cracks in the ceiling, the kitchen may be peeling paint, the floor may be rough and inflexible, the windows seals may be ruptured and letting moisture out and water in, etc. There are multiple things you must check in each room before you know what you’re truly dealing with. Underestimating the scale of the renovation can lead to underachieving and the job appearing only half done. Then, form a list in parallel, concerning what you need to fix the issues you see, such as plaster, paint, wood and nails, a list of professionals who you can turn to for materials and perhaps advice.

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Sensible flooring
The floor takes your entire weight and over time, can become worn out and lead to further damage. A company such as Carpet One flooring, as strong timber flooring and carpets made of wool that can be fitted to your home. A great combination would be to set the dark wood flooring and then set carpet over it. Vinyl flooring for the kitchen where the majority of home mishaps happen could fool proof the floor so damage is easily reflected and no harm can be done to the concrete below; averting pot hole from forming in your own home.

Source - freestockphotos

The major renovations
The biggest factors of spending will be the major quality control repairs that will need immediate attention. Window seals that have shrunk in size let in rain water, which eventually leads to erosion and damp setting in. Damp causes decay, and bacteria to form, which can cause illnesses like asthma and skin rashes. Thoroughly clean the area with hot water and a sponge; get all the gunk out of the crevices in preparation. Window sealant must be applied with care and generosity because as it dries, it will contract; therefore apply a little more than is necessary to plug the gap initially. For doors that are the way into your home such as the front and back doors must be fitted with an adequate rubber border, so a tight seal is formed. This type of innovation keeps water outside as well as blocking wind shears; additionally, wind can force rainwater inside your home if you don’t have this feature installed.

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  1. Totally agreed that being super cheap actually adds to the problem as skimping on materials, may undo all the planning and elbow grease you put into renovating your home. Thanks for sharing such an informative information.

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